On January 27 , 2009, Metro Police say Adrian Scott Diagle drove a stolen Dodge pickup truck to a local title loan business located in the West part of Las Vegas. At some earlier time, police say Diagle was able to obtain a genuine title that was illegal because of the fraudulent methods he used to obtain the title. After presenting that fraudulently obtained title to business employees, he received a loan on the stolen truck.
- Burglary,
- Obtaining money under false pretenses, and
- Possession of a stolen vehicle.
Diagle is a white male adult, 30 years of age, standing 5'9" tall and weighing approximately 200 lbs. with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Diagle has numerous tattoo’s including:
A star bracelet on his left wrist,
- Two Pyramids with a yellow and red fireball on his left side,
- A Cat caricature on his right chest, and
- A zodiac-like symbol surrounded by red and green flames on the back of his neck.
Diagle’s criminal history includes arrests for:
• Possession of drugs for sale in interstate commerce,
• Possession of a stolen vehicle,
• Battery, domestic violence,
• Attempted Murder, and
Anyone with any information concerning the whereabouts of Adrian Scott Diagle is urged to call the L.V.M.P.D. Fugitive Detail at 828-3578 or Crime Stoppers at 385-5555.
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