Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here's something that's FREE, very cool, and potentially life saving. Last Saturday, Krav Maga Las Vegas held a free rape prevention class for women. I'll be sharing a story with you about it, next Friday. The school is holding another FREE class on Saturday, April 25th. I can't encourage you enough to go, if you can. I've learned so many easy, but effective ways to protect myself. Women of all ages showed up to the last class. We walked away with such valuable information. As one woman put it, you no longer feel vulnerable with the techniques you learn. I'll be promoting the class as we get closer to the date, just as a reminder. By the way, some law enforcement officers go to this school to learn some techniques. In fact, the day I was there.. several officers were out back going over what to do during a hostage situation.

Last year, I did a story on Krav Maga. If you want to check it out, follow this link:

And to register for the free rape prevention class, call (702) 240-5166. Here's a link to the website for Krav Maga of Las Vegas.

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