Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Metro recreates crime scene

On December 8 , 2009, a police report was filed with the LVMPD listing Dragan Rnic as a missing person. It is now believed Mr. Rnic may have met with foul play. Metro’s ongoing investigation has determined sometime between the late afternoon of 12/01/2009 and 2:00 p.m. on 12/02/09 the victims vehicle was abandoned on the North side of SR-160 at the approximate 20 mile marker [approximately one mile East of Mountain Springs]. It is believed this area is one of the crime scenes involved in this incident, and that motorists traveling that roadway may have knowledge which will assist in solving the case.

On Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. Metro Officers will meet with the media near Mile Marker 20 of SR-160 to discuss certain facts of this case. We will also place an identical van at the site where the victims vehicle was found for the media to photograph. It is hoped viewers who see this story will realize they possess information valuable to this investigation.

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